Wednesday morning brings 10 to 20 students to the Interfaith Centre for coffee, tea or hot chocolate and a piece of cake or cookies. The topics of discussion are wide ranging. A discussion of what is happening in a certain class soon gives way to discussions of cultural differences between nations and on to work and so it goes. Java is followed by free soup and buns which are prepared in the cafeteria and are served in “The Den” near the student association offices. Approximately sixty servings of soup are given out on these alternating Wednesdays.
Through the generosity of our churches and individuals, the chaplain maintains a well-stocked food and hygiene table. The table sits outside the Interfaith Centre door and allows students to discreetly help themselves to a snack or a few food and hygiene items. A visit to the table often represents dinner for a family. While being discreet, the table also leads to countless interactions with the chaplain. Many students pay a visit or two to the table before actually entering the room and striking up a conversation with the chaplain.